Well.. Almost. Tickets are finally booked and we are ready to go May 15th! And... we are SO excited, to say the least. Taylor has never been to Europe at all and although he is a little apprehensive about the flight, he is excited to see what me and my family are always talking about. We have been planning this trip since we got married, and it has been a year and a half since that happened. It finally seems real and I am counting down the days!

We will be spending most of our time in Rome, which is my favorite city in the world! ( I may be a little biased) But seriously, it's the best.

I am so excited to take Taylor to my favorite Gelato shop in Italy...

I am also excited to eat/take Taylor to the best restaurant in Rome.. which just happens to be my Uncle Toto's. ;)

I am excited to spend some time with my family on the Amalfi Coast..

I am excited to browse at the leather market and walk around the charming streets of Florence..

I am excited to go on a Gondola ride with my sweetie on the Grand Canal...

But MOST excited to spend time with my Esposto side, who even though we live so far away, we are blessed to be so close and love each other so much! I don't get to see them enough, but for how far apart we live we are lucky that we DO see each other as much as we do. Taylor has met most of them, but not all of them so I can't wait for that!
I haven't been to Italy since '09 and it feels like its been way too long. May 15 can't come soon enough!
Ugh.... This makes me so jealous.