Taylor's birthday is on the 16th, so I planned the trip to celebrate both things. He was so excited when I told him the news at dinner! He just kept saying, "are you serious?" "you promise?" It was adorable. Seattle is somewhere we have both talked about going to, and we have some friends that live up there as well. Taylor's mission president, President Pugh and his wife are now serving as temple presidents in Bellevue, and one of Taylor's best friends from high school, Ronnie, and his girlfriend Claire live in Seattle too.
On Thursday night we took a late flight to Seattle. Taylor and I LOVE to travel! He used to always tease me and say, "You would go ANYWHERE!" And the truth is, I really would. I would go anywhere I had the opportunity to go to because I LOVE everything about travel! The planning, packing, airports, flying. etc. It's just so fun for me. I get emails from Kayak and Travelocity every day telling me about deals, promotions, etc and I get all of these ideas of where I want to start planning for next. Luckily for me, Taylor is turning more into a travel bug too. We have lists of places we want to visit. We are going to see the world together :)
We went on a duck tour the first day which is a BUS that turns into a BOAT. Ya I know, I never knew such a thing existed either. It was pretty awesome.
(Sleepless in Seattle house. Cute right?)
President Pugh and Sister Pugh took us out to an amazing dinner that night, but unfortunately I forgot to take a picture with them. :( Bummer. They did however give us their beautiful BMW to drive while we were staying up there. They are so good to us!! We love them.

The next day we spent the morning at Pike Place, The Aquarium, and we got to spend time with Ronnie and Claire and have them show us a few of their favorite spots. We rode the ferris wheel on the pier and it was one of my most favorite things we did.
Sunday was my handsome man's 24th birthday so I had another exciting surprise in store... a high adventure whale watching tour!!! For those of you who know me, you know I have a strange fear of whales, especially killer whales. And guess what? That's the kind of whale that lives up there! But I knew this was something Taylor had always wanted to do so I thought.. why not? And if we are going to do it, we are going to do it big. That's where the high adventure part comes in. The boat you take out to whale watch is a tiny little coastguard rubber speedboat. They also give you a coastguard outfit to wear that keeps you warm and is your flotation device. It was so cool! We felt like astronauts getting ready to go to space. The tour was amazing and both of our favorite things we did on this trip. We saw around 70 whales! 70!!! It was incredible. We just sat in one spot for an hour and a half as all the whales just swam by, jumping out of the water, flipping their tails, and having fun. It was so cute and I really wasn't scared at all. The tour left from the San Juan islands which is the cutest little island/town I've ever seen!! If you ever have the chance to go.. you better.
(It was so hard to get a good pic of the whales)
When we got back to Seattle. Taylor wanted his birthday dinner at the Crab Pot. He researched it and it was the only place he really wanted to eat while we were there. He was in heaven.
Our last day we decided to go to the top of the Space needle which was so fun! Such a beautiful view.
P.s. we got the Pugh's some flowers from Pike Place for being so kind and showing us around, letting us borrow the car etc. And I just had to get a picture so you could see how amazing the bouquets are.
We had the best time!!! It's always hard going back to real life. Hope you had a great anniversary/birthday surprise boo! Until our next trip.....:)